Today is your day Boomer! It was nice to start off my morning media reads with a Christmas message from the president of Pickleball Canada. Obviously a funny guy, this is what David Snell had to say to us "picklers": "take a break from your daily routines, 'Eat, Dink and Be Merry' and have a 'Volley, Jolly Christmas'! He speaks to us in a monthly "Kitchen Sink Newsletter" and reminds us that your eyewear protection is no good in your bag! Thanks David, good advice as that hard plastic ball comes over the net very fast....often at eye level. At last count, there were 1.37 million of us across the country, with many young people joining the sport. But the vast majority are Boomers, like us, who crave the socialization, sport, and competition. Many also play tennis in the summer and sometimes squash or racquetball in the colder months. Speaking of winter, this is a picture of the huge indoor pickleball facility in Vernon, B.C. which attracts regional and national competitions and hosts over 700 regular members. By the way Boomers, about half of all players engage in the sport once a week....the other half play up to FOUR times a week, pretty seriously, I suppose. It is a great sport! Happy holidays!


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