Today is your day Boomer! This blog promotes the lifestyles of Baby Boomers....but many people may have the wrong impression of who we are. Since many Boomers are seniors and are retired, some other generations may think we head to the bingo hall on Saturday nights. Wrong. If anything, we are young seniors, we are very active, and we are "redefining" what it means to age! My next few blogs will focus on 10 very popular Boomer activities like "staying fit" ( "Hitting the gym and playing sports are popular among baby boomers. These individuals focus on feeling healthy and young while also combating obesity and other health-related problems. Boomers participate in a mix of solitary and group activities such as tennis, golf, jogging, walking and aerobic exercise, to name a few. Because baby boomers were the first to be targeted by health advertisers on TV, it's not surprising that they take their well-being seriously. But the generation is also known to take exercise to the extreme. Coined "Boomeritis," many active boomers are breaking their aging bodies by overdoing it. As a result, hip and knee replacements are on the rise." Okay, I've never heard that word (Boomeritis) before. Most importantly, we are out there every day working on fitness, balance, and flexibility. Yes!!


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