Today is your day Boomer! Boomers, we are part of a great nation....officially around since 1867. We are second biggest in the world in size, we sport 40 million people, we are very diverse, we rule the world....not in guns....but in hockey and maple syrup, and we are very friendly! This "tariff war" with Mr. Trump is awful; it will have a big economic impact on us, but....we will adapt, we will survive. And already I am seeing a new trend. Just a few years ago, the Ottawa truckers' protest divided our nation. It was long and bitter, and the feelings are only slowly fading away. But now, we have a new enemy: Dictator Don and his cronies are "tariffizing" us and Canadians are coming together again in defiance! BUY CANADIAN is everywhere....and as our movement grows, our patriotism gathers strength, our pride is pumped-up! Donald, you are actually doing Canada a big favour; we will stand tall against you, together...again!!!


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