Today is your day Boomer! This is a perfect volunteer job for a Boomer. You can join a group called the Okanagan Gleaners which takes unused and wasted food products(like vegetables), dehydrates and packages them, and sends them off to needy people in developing countries. The food is free and is donated to the Christian organization which then organizes a whole bunch of people twice a year to assemble these soup bags. Last fall, they did about 12 million meals.....this year, about 7 and 1/2 million! And judgiing by the pictures, it looks like many of the volunteers are Boomer age.....and there seems to be a big contingent of young people as well! What a fantastic idea especially considering about 60% of Canada's food goes unused. Boomers, we need to do more of this type of activity. Let's face it, we are great at recreation and we are dedicated to exercise....but how many of us volunteer?! Food for thought, so to speak. Cheers.


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