Today is your day Boomer! Dave, where have you been? Some of my regular readers probably thought I was off on a golf junket the past few days......but no, I was on gulp...vacation in hospital. See picture. Yup, weekend warrior Dave decided a basketball game was a great location to free fall, break 4 ribs, and puncture a lung. Ouch!!! Yes, a very BIG OUCH. Boomers, I recommend you not do this to yourself for a variety of reasons: severe pain, emergency room waiting time, ambulance ride embarrassment, terrible hospital food, bowel discussions with many people you don't know, lack of sleep, extreme fatigue, and constant medical prodding/poking/testing.....oh, did I mention the pain? It was so bad one evening I couldn't even touch my skin! OK, now the good news. The medical staff that helped me were terrific, my wife, my family support, and my friends who showered me with visits, food, drinks, and physical/mental support. Especially my wife, who took time off work and visited me twice a day with various support hot, strong, good-tasting, non-tepid coffee! She was and still is awesome and is now my primary caregiver as I am home but still need lots of help. Thanks everyone. You made my bad week bearable. Boomers, take care of those me. Cheers.


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