
Showing posts from July, 2024
Today is your day Boomer! It's been a bad week for famous-people deaths. Boomers, three very influential people we grew-up with, passed away. Dr. Ruth, the TV and radio sex specialist, passed away at age 96...the good doctor was the first to speak openly and sincerely on a mostly taboo subject. Richard Simmons, with those wacky clothes and squeaky voice, was the first TV guy to really get us going on the importance of fitness. And Bob Newhart, comedian extrodinaire, made us laugh a lot on numerous TV programs like the Bob Newhart Show. With his very dry sense of humour, Bob was 94 and Richard was 76. All these people were a focus on "television", another every-day factor in our growing-up Boomer lives. We will miss them...and remember them, I'm sure, when we play Trvial Pursuit and recite stories to friends and family starting with the words "Remember when.....?" Cheers.
Today is your day Boomer! A lesson for all of us Boomers. Many of us like to hike and explore, especially new mountainous locations. We all take water, but do we take enough? Afterall, drinking water is heavy and many of our hikes are up steep terrain. This lesson is a sad one. According to Global News, "a father and his daughter who went hiking through Canyonlands National Park in Utah died after they ran out of water as temperatures soared above 37 degrees Celsius. Albino Espinoza, 52, and Beatriz Herrera, 23, of Green Bay, Wisc., were hiking the Syncline Loop Trail when they became lost. They texted 911 for help, and reported they were stranded and out of water." When searchers finally found them, they were both deceased. A hike like this demands about 4 litres of water per about 2 big plastic milk jugs for this family. An adventure gone wrong, but a big reminder for all of us. Be prepared Boomers!!
Today is your day Boomer! No one deserves what happened to Donald Trump yesterday. The Republican presidential candidate was the victim of an assassination attempt at a rally, but escaped with only a bullet wound to his ear. He was lucky. Running for politics in the good ol' USA is a dangerous job I guess. Here is the number of presidents or presidential candidates that have been shot at, wounded, or killed: NINE! The most famous, I suppose, were Abraham Lincoln in 1865(the leader who proposed elimination of black slavery) and JFK; John F.Kennedy was fatally shot by a hidden assassin armed with a high-powered rifle as he visited Dallas in November 1963 with first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Shots rang out as the president’s motorcade rolled through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas. Another high-powered rifle, from only 150 yards away, almost took out Trump. So, will this be an eye opener for the former president if he wins again? Will he tighten up gun laws? I sure hope so, and
Today is your day Boomer! Boomers...we are saving some money for the weddings of our children, right? Maybe, 5000-10,000$ per child...I am guessing, but it shouldn't break the bank! Well, how about this wedding in India this week? According to, "The youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, Asia’s richest man, married his longtime girlfriend early Saturday in what many dubbed the wedding of the year, attended by global celebrities, business tycoons and politicians, highlighting the billionaire’s staggering wealth and rising clout." The father is the 9th richest man in the world, worth about 120 BILLION dollars....and, he will spend up to 600 million for the wedding. For example, Justin Bieber got 10 mill for singing a couple of songs. Meanwhile, the United Nations says "80 million people out of 1.2 billion Indians, roughly equal to 6.7% of India's population, lived below the poverty line of $1.25 and 84% of Indians lived on less than $6.85 per day." An
Today is your day Boomer! I really tried to watch soccer last night....joining those fanatical Boomers who enjoy foot-on-ball action: Canada vs Argentina in the COPA semi-final. I mean we had Davies (really good!) vs they had Messi, the best player ever. But...I really didn't find it that entertaining. Canada had only 2 shots on goal, the Argentinians had more attempts, but I really didn't like the "fake" injuries trumped-up by most players as they suffered light taps on their sins, errrr shins. Shameful. I like basketball or hockey....faster action, lots of scoring and less time wasting. So, I found this meme (see picture) for a possible solution. Please read it and Boomer soccer supporters, please don't be offended, and don't tell me to puck off! I tried to watch a little bit of footie, but sorry, hockey still rules. Cheers...
Today is your day Boomer! These guys are too old to be Boomers....but I bet their concert in Vancouver this week was dominated by a Baby Boomer audience. Boomer friends of mine paid the big bucks and went, part of the Hackney Diamonds Tour and it was the first(and maybe the last!) Rolling Stones' visit to B.C. since 2006. Check out picture and the wrinkles on these boys! Mick and Keith are both 83 this, time really flies! Maybe, with The Beatles, the two most popular rock n'roll bands of all time! But you have to give them credit for still doing what they love....a lesson for all of us as we should continue to follow our passions until the day we die. Speaking of that, a sad note was part of the concert. A 65-year-old Boomer woman succumbed to a heart attack just before the concert started. Take extreme care in these crowded, lively situations Boomers. But enjoy the old time music. Cheers!
Today is your day Boomer! The summer's first big heat wave is upon us and many Boomers are hitting the beach or travelling to their summer cabins. Yup, many Boomers, like me, completely or partially own cottages on lakes or ocean...we often have the money to invest, many of us are retired, and many received their property from their deceased parents. But there is a new kid on the block....the Gen Xers have taken over real estate demand for cabins. They are the age 43-58 group that is well-established in career, saving money, and looking forward to retirement. According to the Financial Post this "other" generation has replaced Boomers "and are behind 91 per cent of transactions." Wow....and the survey adds our generation has about one trillion dollars to pass down to our children! So, why cottage investment? The survey says "escape from the stress of urban life" is a main factor. I can understand that. I just spent 5 days at our cabin; that is