Today is your day Boomer! It is a national day of mourning in Canada as our official "head of state" is being buried in London. It is a day to do something to remember Queen Lizzie....view the funeral on TV, watch a royalty show on Netflix, scroll through pictures of her life, go to church and reflect, even just a walk with kind thoughts....something. For me, the impact of Elizabeth is portrayed in this picture map. Over 70 schools, hospitals, roads, and islands in our nation are named "Queen Elizabeth" including a huge archipeligo in northern Canada! Many of the landmarks are in Ontario and BC which, of course, are two of our provinces with strong British traditions. Imagine what is happening in a place like Victoria, BC today. It is also a day off school for most kids, so if you are grandparenting today, please do "something" with them that shows respect for the Queen.....like drawing and colouring a picture or visiting Queen Elizabeth Park in Va...