Today is your day Boomer! I can't take a fitness room with me on holidays this summer, but I can go to an exercise centre if one is close by. Or....I can bring my own workout equipment. Yup....not heavy weights or treadmills, but at least a few things to keep me healthly. According to trainer Andrea Tam, "you can’t forget your running shoes, whether you’re going to the cottage for the weekend or going into a hotel, running shoes are great for running, hiking, walking, or just getting outdoors." Other gear to bring? Bring a skipping rope for cardio, resistance bands for muscle workouts, and ankle weights. Tam says, "All these types of equipment are very easy to travel with, especially if you’re going local. Throw them in the back of the car, put them in [your] luggage and you can ... get a full body workout." Okay, that also means making a committment to exercise when you go camping, to the summer cabin, and touring around. Can you do it? Travel light Boomer...