Today is your day Boomer! Teeth issues plague many Boomers as they get older. Implants, dentures, crowns-as examples-are painful dental-chair experiences and they cost a ton of money! So, how about a new idea? Let's GROW new teeth. Yup, Dr. Katsu Takahashi of Japan is leading a new group of researchers that successfully grew teeth in mice and ferrets – animals who have a similar dental pattern to humans. The good doctor says "the idea of growing new teeth is every dentist’s dream.” And according to Global News, "testing will turn to healthy humans and, if all goes well, the team plans to hold a clinical trial for the drug from 2025 for children between two and six years old with anodontia – a rare genetic disorder that results in the absence of six or more baby and/or adult teeth." Okay....they say, maybe just maybe, this could be ready for us in about 7 years! Just in time for many Boomers in our 70's and '80s. Open wide Boomers. Cheers.