Today is your day Boomer! Stats Canada has just announced a new historic low for fertility rate in our country.....1.33% for Canadian women! Wow, that means the average woman will likely have one or two babies, but more likely one. Look at the graph and realize Boomers, that we were born in a 4% era. I come from a family of six children and I have two friends who were part of a ten-child family! Things have really changed....yup. I know...I know, it is expensive to have kids. Child care is costly and is hard to find. Young couples often both work....and are fearful of raising children in a new world filled with pandemics, war, and climate change. But, in my opinion, having kids is an incredible joy and one that lasts forever. And....it means grandkids for us Boomers! Yessssssssssss! Cheers.