Today is your day Boomer! Hiking with my wife this week in the Okanagan I was reminded that it is still bear season out there! We encountered several bear scat piles on our walk....much of it filled with fruit. There are decomposing apples everywhere right now as winter gets closer and bears are fattening-up for their big sleep. So, what to do if you encounter a bear? This advice from the Government of B.C.: Do not feed bears. It's against the law to feed dangerous wildlife. Remain calm. Do not run or climb a tree. Slowly back away, talking to the bear in a quiet, monotone voice. Do not scream, turn your back on the bear, kneel down or make direct eye contact. Keep away from the bear. Do not try to get closer to it. If the bear gets too close, use pepper spray (within 7 metres) or something else to threaten or distract it. Stay together. If you are with others, act as a group. Keep children close – pick up and carry small children. Go indoors. Bring pets indoors if possible. ...