Today is your day Boomer! I am up early today and ready to get cracking on the resumption of my almost-daily blog. I just returned from a week of maintenance and essential summer start-up of my family summer cabin in the BC Interior.....and guess what? The cabin has no internet and no TV. That means you have to work at little jobs, take nature hikes, kayak on the lake as the sun sets, fish a little, play board games with family, and relax with a book. Sounds great, right? And the best thing is the total difference from my home life. What a nice change......almost like a natural booster shot during this time of COVID! It re-energized me and made me appreciate that my family is one of the few in BC that has access to a cabin. Thanks to the forward thinking of my parents, my family gets to enjoy this summer lifestyle and then pass it on to our children and grandkids. Wow, what a blessing! Thanks, especially, to my Mom and oldest brother for doing their part in this whole proce...