Today is your day Boomer! I am up early today and ready to get cracking on the resumption of my almost-daily blog. I just returned from a week of maintenance and essential summer start-up of my family summer cabin in the BC Interior.....and guess what? The cabin has no internet and no TV. That means you have to work at little jobs, take nature hikes, kayak on the lake as the sun sets, fish a little, play board games with family, and relax with a book. Sounds great, right? And the best thing is the total difference from my home life. What a nice change......almost like a natural booster shot during this time of COVID! It re-energized me and made me appreciate that my family is one of the few in BC that has access to a cabin. Thanks to the forward thinking of my parents, my family gets to enjoy this summer lifestyle and then pass it on to our children and grandkids. Wow, what a blessing! Thanks, especially, to my Mom and oldest brother for doing their part in this whole proce...
Showing posts from May, 2021
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Today is your day Boomer! Just a note Boomers, I am headed to the BC wilderness for about a week and will be taking a break from my blog. Thanks again for reading my sometimes, mind-altering thoughts on a regular basis; I appreciate your dedication and don't be afraid to spread the word. However, I can say I am driving to the woods.....unlike this guy in the picture who seems to be on an airplane. He is obviously a well-prepared "pandemic flyer"......something I definitely will NOT do yet! See you soon! Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! I know, I are saying to yourself "not another blog on golf please." But explaining the benefits of chasing a little white ball on grass all day may actually change your mind about this sport! Boomers, we all need exercise. So, when was the last time you went for a four hour walk? Probably, I am guessing, never. Most exercise walks or strolls are about 30 minutes to one hour. Hmmm.....good point. My next argument is this: muscle development. By swinging steel clubs and walking up and down hills for an extended time, we develop a better-toned body. That is simply good health. Third point: people are getting out in nature, breathing in fresh air, getting vitamins through sun exposure, and not leading sedentary lives. Remember, doctors say sitting too much is the modern version of smoking. And finally, studies show we all need a certain amount of socialization. It is good for our heart, soul and overal mental health to hang ou...
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Today is your day Boomer! My blog has barely touched the surface of my main recreational And as you may know, author Mark Twain once stated that "golf is a good walk spoiled." Wrong, Mr. Twain! Check out this picture of me with a big smile on my face and an incredible view of mountains, a creek, and canyon beyond. My home golf course is absolutely stunning; it is quiet, picturesque, filled with natural wildlife (like bears, snakes, eagles, marmots, hawks, and coyotes) and is occupied by hundreds of friendly people.....many of whom are Boomers! I "walk" the course three times a week for exercise and some people take carts, usually for medical reasons. But the "spoiled" notion from Twain is just a matter of personal perspective. Yes, if you take the game too seriously and get upset with every missed shot, you will not enjoy the round. From my experience, very few people do this. My plan is to walk, enjoy the day, appreciate the s...
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Today is your day Boomer! This warm spring weather has brought out a new THIRST in many means it is BEER TIME! And I notice my fellow golfing buddies are ordering cold brews on the 19th hole after 18 holes. In fact, many golfers (especially males) seem to bring beer with them on the course. I remember two younger men I played with a few years ago drank one beer each for every two holes and had to pee on a tree on every third hole! Needless to say their scores and swings began to deteriorate very quickly. Anyway, I found a new light jacket (for light beer?) for these brew boys (see picture!) because you never know when you are going to need an opener. As for me, I can't do it. I will definitely fall asleep after only one beer when I get home and waste away the rest of the day; my wife would not be impressed. Boomers, I guess this is a sign of "oldness"...a word I really don't want to use at age 62. Mugs up Boomers, and cheers!
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Today is your day Boomer! Some people think the first warm/hot weekend of the year means the start of barbeque season! You know....filling up the propane tank, cleaning the grill, washing the outside of the top, replacing the catch container underneath, and checking the freezer for your selection of meats. Right? No, not for me. I am a barbeque guy year-round! Even in the pounding snow, freezing rain, and howling winds.....I stand outside with my scraper, spatulla, and tongs in hand braving the inclement weather to satisfy my food cravings. The smell, the taste, and the look of barbequed food just gets me! Think....ribs!!!!! And so, as a bit of an expert, I pass along to you Boomers some barbeque recommendations: buy a good quality barbeque (like my Weber) and your food will cook easily and evenly, get a barbeque with a solid-heavy steel grill (not ceramic), cook veggies-not just meat-on your grill, clean your barbeque regularly, replace the cover when needed for better weath...
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Today is your day Boomer! And what a good day for a waterfall hike! Yes, this is me a few days ago at Hardy Falls near Peachland in the Okanagan. Only a 10 minute walk from the main highway with a beautiful trail and crisscross bridges, this small waterfall takes you away from your daily stresses and enhances your mood. And it seems like I get the same feeling when I visit any waterfall. You kind of get lost in the scenery, the rushing water, the beauty, and the ambience. It is a great, great feeling and even better because I shared it with my dog and a family member! Interested, but don't know where to go? Of course, you can Google anything.....but there is a new book out that I hear is pretty good for Boomers; it is called "Waterfall Hikes in Southern British Columbia" and is available online and in book stores. Boomers love to walk and hike....and this is always a feel-good, motivating destination! Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! Henry Winkler barely qualifies to be a Boomer at age 75....but he certainly is doing Boomer-type activities, and based on the smile in this picture, is sure enjoying them! The Fonz has taken up flyfishing like so many of us and the season is underway! Spring has sprung, the ice is coming off mountain lakes, and the fish are hungry! Henry is proudly holding a beautiful rainbow trout, which is the fish of choice in my area....the BC Interior. And are they ever fun to catch; they fight like the devil and their flesh is firm and tasty if your choice is to keep them. My choice 99% of the time is "catch and release", which means they go back into the lake to be possibly caught again by another sports fishermen. And that's what most of us are...."sports fishers" which means it is a recreational activity and not really a meat-gathering focus. It is fun and relaxing and hopefully you can bring along a Boomer buddy or family member! I wo...
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Today is your day Boomer! I just love those Boomers with a little extra money....that actually spend it! Sorry kids, your Boomer parents spent about 40 years working hard and raising children and now they are reaping the benefits! Yes, they will likely save some money for your inheritance...but many have also figured out that it is OK to spend some selfishly. How about a rockin' souped-up car like the one in this picture? How about a $5000 electric bike? How about a new $50,000 sailboat or a "B" class Mercedes campervan worth $150,000?! During COVID, we are seeing Boomers open up their wallets and spending, spending, spending. Ask any RV dealer. And don't you dare feel guilty Boomers! The last third of your life is wide open for recreation, fun, travel and experiencing dreams. I say GO FOR IT! Enjoy and cheers!
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Today is your day Boomer! I certainly hope you enjoyed Mothers Day yesterday with the rest of the world! It is a special day that celebrates "Mom" and everything that she does with and for all of her family. I spent it in-person with my wife and one son (a beautiful outdooor brunch, a walk in the woods, and a boche ball game!), virtually with my other two children (a special dinner) and on the phone with my mother-in-law! It was a marvellous sunny day.....but it was also another day without my own Mom who passed away 26 years ago at the tender age of 64. My Mom and I were very close, we had a great relationship, and she was always so caring and thoughtful regarding her children and grandchildren! I miss her still. Cheers, and don't forget to celebrate those special days Boomers!
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Today is your day Boomer! Golfing great Walter Hagen once stated that we need to "stop and smell the roses." Meaning....we all need to slow down life and appreciate the little things in front of us during this maddening time of COVID, mental stress, and rush, rush, rush! When was the last time you went for just a "stroll" instead of a heart-pounding, exercise-laden power walk? When was the last time you just went for a "drive" instead of a rushing commute to work or to a big box store before it closed? When was the last time you went birdwatching, flower gazing(like these beautiful lilacs in my neighbourhood!), poked around the garden at a slow pace, or took your boat out in the middle of the lake and just sat there taking in the scenery? Question then for me, when was the last time I had two cups of coffee and a hot tub in the morning? Answer: almost every day! seems that Walter and I have two things in common: the roses and the golf! ...
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Today is your day Boomer! Nice hair Boomer! This very-longish hair style, I am assuming, goes all the way back to this man's hippie days....maybe, from the 1960s or 70s, and I like it! And why should he change? Just for the sake of "change" or what some people feel might be self improvement or better hair hygiene? we still listen to the same music from this Baby Boom era when we were young? Do we still wear some of the same clothes, like tie-dye shirts? Do we still believe in some of the same philosophies that shaped our lives, like tree hugging and family farm gardens? Yes, so why change our hair? I have had the same haircut for a long time, as long as I can remember.....and the same moustache too. It is part of our Boomer personality and we should not be criticized for "sticking to our guns" and showcasing our true selves. So...rock on, Woodstock on, and long hair on Boomers! Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! Sometimes I feel like the dog in this picture. People sitting in the same room as me ignore me while on their cellphones! Maybe it is a function of the times we live in, but.....once in awhile, I think it is downright rude. Whoever or whatever is on the phone is deemed to be more important than the real, live person sitting in front of you. Now I know there are some situations where the phone should rule the roost; for example, an emergency call or homework or an important meeting......but many times people are just scrolling through social media and that is considered more meaningful than talking to the person in front of you. It even happens in public; for example, at a restaurant I have seen a person on their phone for an extended time during a Valentines Day date with their supposedly-special person! Yuk. Cellphones are tools which help us in our daily lives, but our family and friends are what matter most.....I hope. Boomers, have a good face-to...
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Today is your day Boomer! We all need fresh air, but science tells us we likely need it more than we thought. Just by focussing on the brain, maybe you'll get my drift today. Breathing in fresh air improves brain function, as the brain uses three times as much oxygen as muscles do. As well, we get more Vitamin "A" which protects brain neurons; fresh air helps you digest food better; it improves your blood pressure and heart rate; it also increases the production of serotonin(a feel-good hormone) in your brain; it strengthens your immune system.....something we could all use in this time of COVID; and it cleans out your lungs and helps your body heal faster. All this from a little bit of fresh air everyday! Boomers, we naturally lose brain cells as we age....and fresh air also helps rebuild those cells! It is like free aromatherapy! So, get outside, open the windows and doors in your house, and at night.....sleep with fresh air circulation. We'll all feel be...
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Today is your day Boomer! Why live in a rural area in B.C.? Why not.....especially during these continuing times of pandemicica! Even if that is not a word, the truth is people, including Boomers, are moving in droves to the countryside during COVID. Rural housing prices are way up in the past year and big lots are selling like hotcakes! People are looking to escape heavily-populated areas, like the Lower Mainland, where the virus mutations are taking over. Employed people can work virtually from home, so why not get a place with blossoms, cows, and chickens and enjoy your window views and off hours? There is a feeling of more fresh air, more safety, and a more-relaxed way of life versus a crowded condo existance in downtown Vancouver where even going for a coffee is a scary experience. Plus, you get pictures like is great for walking and talking, biking and hiking, and family time! Rural Boomers, rejoice! I think we have it figured out.....for now. Cheers.