Today is your day Boomer! Actually tomorrow is a big day....it is May 1, which means May Day or Labour Day in some countries, but globally it is recognized as International Labour Day. And since, most or all of us Boomers, worked for a long time....we benefitted greatly from the actions of labour to better our working conditions. According to one website: "Do you enjoy not having to work weekends? The 40-hour work week? Having sick days and paid time off? You can thank labor leaders for that. Thousands have marched, protested and participated in strikes in order to create fairer, more equitable labor laws and workplaces – and still do today." So, Sunday is a day to celebrate and honour the hard-working men and women in our world who pay into our pensions and tax reserves to give us a better life.....workers who also provide us with services and resources that make our retirement more enjoyable! Thank you....and thanks also to the many Boomers who are still working and co...