Today is your day Boomer! I see in the media that more and more people are moving to smaller towns and rural areas during this never-ending pandemic. Here's an idea if you are considering such a move. Pick an area near wineries. There is only one drawback I can think of and that is the number of tipsy tourists driving by any one time, but......there are a number of positives. Look at the picture and think "walks". Boomers love to walk and gawk, and let's face it, the scenery in these areas is fabulous! Also, I get quick access to wineries for an afternoon drink/snack on a scenic patio, I get to hear live music playing close by, I can get part-time work fairly easily(like picking season), and if I run out of wine.....a bottle is just around the corner! Combined with orchards and hobby farms that frequent my region, I live in just a very beautiful spot. One example is blossoms in the spring! Think about it Boomers as you plan for the future. Cheers!