Today is your day Boomer! Today is Wednesday and the last day of March....so that means it is "hump day". It is the day the working world celebrates as halfway through the working week, but for us Boomers it is now mostly insignificant! Many of us are retired, so one day just kind of blends into another. I often hear my Boomer friends say "what day is it" or even "what time is it" and it is not because they don't carry a watch or cellphone. This retirement gig means a new way of life, a new rhythm of life, and a sometimes "it doesn't matter" attitude. We often are not constricted by deadlines, timelines, and antsy bosses....we can live more for the present retirement activity and not be harrassed by as much stress. It is a great feeling! By the way, I am headed for the golf course soon, but not before a second cup of coffee. Happy NON-HUMP DAY Boomers. Cheers!