Today is your day Boomer! It is not just a day off....not just another holiday, like BC Day, it is a day of reflection and action for all Canadians. I am talking about tomorrow, September 30, which is our first ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Recently created by the federal Liberal Government, this day replaces Orange Shirt Day which was kind of an unofficial reflection time of learning, especially in schools. And for me that is my focus. As a teacher of thirty years and current school trustee in BC's Okanagan, I think mostly about the kids.....the kids that were torn away from their families in residential schools, culturally stripped, abused, and even killed. That is looking back and it is really important, but I am an optimist and I think of the indigenous children now and in the future....hence the picture included. I think a better future, equality and equity, democratic representation, leadership, and improved education. And I am reminded of the Okana...
Showing posts from September, 2021
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Today is your day Boomer! It was actually last week that I saw this Boomer news article, but it inspired me to write about it today! Surrey BC's George Klassen, of Boomer age, launched this incredible homemade canoe with his wife and grandkids after spending 15 long COVID months in his workshop making it. Where did he get the material? From three old pianos.....obviously he used the beautiful cedar wood, but he also reused ivory, wire, and soundboard material. He says the canoe will become the family yacht and it has been named "Middle Sea" after the centre "C" note on a piano. Nice! Boomers, we can learn from this. We can also be creative, expanding our minds, keeping sharp and active, and we can practice the environmental "3R's" at the same time: reduce, reuse, and recycle.....and construct something beautiful, kind of a legacy for our grandchildren. I like it!! Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! I didn't save a Thanksgiving turkey last fact, I ate parts of one and it wasn't even Thanksgiving! What's up with that? Well, my wife and I invited some neighbours over and had an early celebration....mostly because I put up a big fuss over our real Thanksgiving coming up in two weeks. That meal will not feature any meat whatsoever and is being organized by my vegetarian family members. So, it would have been my first ever Thanksgiving dinner without turkey; I did the math and it would be 63 straight years......assuming I did eat meat when I was even one year old! I think my wife took pity on me, but I can say it was a delicious bird with awesome roast veggies like squash, fresh homemade buns, lots of gravy, cranberry sauce, a nice rose wine, and apple/pear crisp for dessert! Do I feel spoiled? Yes. And some of my family may think I am too hung up on traditions. But I guess that is part of who I am, one of my Boomer traits, ...
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Today is your day Boomer! And maybe today is your day to watch the new Beatles movie "Yesterday". It is now on Netflix Canada and I recommend you crank up the sound to hear the full effects of many remade Beatle hits like "Hey Jude", "Back in the USSR", and "Here Comes The Sun"! The movie is about a young, struggling musician who wakes up one day to realize that the world does not know The Beatles and their songs never existed. The story is a musical journey through his rise to stardom; it includes a love story, many great songs performed, lots of humour, and a visit with one of the actual Beatles. Looking at this picture, you probably think it is Paul.....but it isn't! You'll have to watch to find out. But I did include the picture of Paul because he predicted the movie would didn't, and I guarantee you will love it. Most Boomers are Beatles fans and many would say the band is the greatest of all time. We grew up...
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Today is your day Boomer! And yes, today is the day to get yourself an Ambrosia. Not a type of perfume or herb, but a great, big, beautiful apple!! It is time, and it is an early start to the apple harvest season in BC's Okanagan Valley. You can get yours from the fruit stands, directly from certain growers, or in your local grocery store as the distribution begins. Do it please and maybe start with the Ambrosia, which is by far my favourite......big, sweet, crisp, red, and fannnnnnnnnntastic. Yesterday, I bought a big box from a local orchardist friend who will transport and sell his apples up north for big bucks. They are in such demand, he sells out in a matter of a few hours! As well, there are other new varieties out there like Fuji and Honeycrisp....try them all! It is like wine Boomers; your foody palate deserves it! Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! It's been a tough summer: more COVID, extreme heat waves, massives forest fires, increased racial tension, the discovery of numerous unmarked children graves at residential schools, and an unwanted Canadian election. But it is now over, and Autumn officially begins today! So, Boomers, what can we look forward to? Cooler, dry weather with many days of sunshine. No bugs. Tremendous colour leaf displays(see picture!) Apple harvest time in BC's Okanagan Valley.....yum! Wine tasting and festivals. Dazzling harvest moons. The return of some of your favourite TV shows, like Grey's Anatomy. Baseball playoffs with, hopefully, the Blue Jays. Hockey and basketball season resuming. Turkey dinner and Thanksgiving....yeah! Leftover candy from Haloween. Great hiking and biking weather, and a possible return to southern climates for many wintering Boomers. Yes!! To quote singer Carly Simon, "anticipation.....!" Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! You may not be happy with the Canadian election result last night, but there are some things to reflect on and show some joy. Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party won their third straight election, so we will get a measure of stability moving forward. For many, his management of the continuing pandemic gives us hope of making it through a fourth COVID wave. He did not get the majority that he wanted, so that means a consultative, copperative approach to passing laws in the future; many like that idea because it leads to compromise, not division. For many young people who voted Green or NDP, let's not forget Trudeau is still young at age 49, he is a former teacher and has his own, he should be well-equipped to tackle youth issues like climate change. For Boomers, Trudeau is considered a moderate so he should be able to give you some of what you want some of the time.....I guess that is good for the middle class which is most of us. It i...
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Today is your day Boomer! I spent 30 years in the classroom teaching social studies, law, civics, and today, Boomers, on election day in Canada it is time for a little bit of a lesson on the importance of democracy. If you are even slightly considering NOT voting with excuses like " I'm too busy" or "I hate all lying politicians" or "I don't know who to vote for"...comsider this: (1) men in Canada got the right to vote in 1791; for women, it was 1917(about 130 years later!) (2) indigenous Canadians had to wait even longer....1961 (3) Asian Canadians had to prove themselves worthy in WWII and finally received the vote in 1948 (4) for young people, you had to bide your time until the 1970s to get the voting age lowered to 18 (5) immigrants, waiting to become Canadian, called "permanent residents" can't vote (6) high school students, taking classes in politics, can't vote in federal elections (7) and lastly, check o...
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Today is your day Boomer! Remember Boomers, the main purpose of this blog is to make the most of each and every day we have left on this earth! That fits in with this particular day.....because it is TGIF, a day we used to celebrate almost every week when we were working. Drinks with friends, dinner out, a movie, a card game, a backyard barbeque, date night.....we did it all and we looked forward to it. How about now? Does TGIF have any meaning in your Boomer life? Well, it should because you've earned it! Will you spend another Friday night on your laptop "surfing" away on social media? Will you watch another marginal show on Netflix? Will you go to bed early because you have nothing better to do? What?! No way.....let's live life to to the max. Be like the dog in the picture and remember, winter is coming and so is another season of COVID. Let's live! Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! Boomers, we are just a few days away from choosing our next Prime Minister of Canada, and the party to lead us through climate change, increasing discrimination, more COVID, and a struggling economy over the next four years. Whew! Sounds like a lot doesn't it? That's why we have to take it very seriously and carefully consider our options. If we don't turn out to vote in record numbers, it will not truly represent the "Canadian way".....our way, our will, and what we really want for our future. Low voter turnout could result in fringe parties like the Communists or Makericks taking seats or even a guy like (tongue in cheek) "Rick" in the picture. Or.....dare I say it? A Donald Trump clone in Canada. I honestly don't care who you vote for, just vote, and vote with an informed mind and attitude. And remember, don't base your vote on just one issue or policy......look at a party's complete platform and how it...
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Today is your day Boomer! I don't know....I would think twice, maybe three or four times before submitting my name to be a politician these days. Our Prime Minister has been under constant verbal and physical assault during the current election campaign (ie. gravel throwing, death threats, and gender slurs against his wife). The mayor of Surrey was intentionally hit by a driver while out grocery shopping last weekend....he suffered a lasting leg injury. Other political figures have been harrassed and intimidated by COVID protestors(see picture!) and I know a local former mayor who was verbally threatened and had dead rats left on his driveway! Boomers, I tell you this because many of you like to run for office in your retired years, and I am currently in politics as well as an elected school trustee. It greatly worries me and I am afraid many quality potential candidates will be scared off by these new-normal acts of bullying. I hope not; you have lots to contribute to soci...
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Today is your day Boomer! It is the ultimate Boomer day excursion....salmon fishing off the inner coast of Vancouver Island, near Campbell River the self-proclaimed "Salmon Fishing Capital of the World". That's what I encountered yesterday as I met a group of six Boomers returning from fishing in the late afternoon of a beautiful day on the water. Each of them had a nice suntan, a buzz-on from a few beers and a big bucket full of Spring Salmon. If you didn't know, the Spring or sometimes called Chinook Salmon, are the biggest and maybe-the-best fighting salmon on Canada's west coast. These guys had three each with the biggest being around 21 pounds; they also had lots "fish stories", lots of laughs, and a great time together. What lay ahead in the evening? Fish cleaning, a big dinner at a local fish resort, and a few more beverages....I'm sure. Two of them had even travelled from California for this fantastic experience! It's what we c...
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Today is your day Boomer! No, it is not hockey season yet.....but it is oh, so close! Only a couple of weeks away as the weather gets a little cooler. The NHL will feature a new team from Seattle this year and, of course, my Boston Bruins will again contend for the Stanley Cup...and the Leafs will not. The Canucks look like a crapshoot and no way will Montreal make the finals again. My opinions only, Boomers. Also the new women's hockey league in our country will be named the Premier Hockey Federation, or the PHF. By the way, most people think hockey is Canada's official national sport......and it is, but it is shared with lacrosse which is very appropriate considering it came from our indigenous peoples and the early beginnings of Canada! Can you tell, hockey rules in my world Boomers!? Cheers.
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Today is your day Boomer! Not many Boomers do this anymore.....that is, camping in a tent! When my wife and I travel BC in the summer months, we see alot of retirees in fancy motorhomes and trailers; we see very few in tents. It is the "been there, done that" philosophy and besides, many Boomers can now afford the more-expensive way of "glamping". But this week on Vancouver Island, we put our old tent back in use, and you know what, it was alright. Aside from a light rain shower and hard foamies to sleep on, it went pretty smoothly.....but we did have to pack up our truck with everything but the kitchen sink. Also, the tent instructions state setup is only 8 minutes; it took us half an hour! And thank goodness it didn't rain when we were packing up! But how about positives of tenting? I like that outdoor feeling of sleeping closer to nature. I like the lower camping fees. I like the lower gas costs associated with not towing a trailer and the lower B...
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Today is your day Boomer! It is back-to-school day across Canada and I bet many parents are pretty happy....see picture! But what about Boomers? Probably mixed feelings, I assume. Some former teachers like me celebrate what's called "To Hell with the Bell Day" where we do other things like special lunches and golf instead of school assemblies and meetings. Other Boomers, who are grandparents, maybe are taking on more parental reponsibilities starting today....perhaps, after school care or pickup/dropoff activities. That can be good or bad depending on a number of different factors. One big thing to remember for all of us is that many more kids, cars, and school buses are on the road, so increased safety is a concern. Watch for speed in those designated school zones. And of course, the other BIG concern is COVID.....again. We all have trepidation and increased nerves as children head back to school and public mingling ticks way up. But we must have confidence in...
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Today is your day Boomer! And today is Labour Day.....sort of the last day of summer for many people as the kids head back to school tomorrow. But for many Boomers, like me, it is not a big deal. Many of us are retired or semi-retired and we may still be on holiday. For example, I write this blog from a VRBO on a Gulf Island off BC's coast and the plan today is to maybe hike, or kayak, or read, or go out for lunch, or go beachcombing. Last night, I had a hot tub on the sea patio facing the sunset and a halibut and chip dinner with wine at a local oceanside pub. So, you see by my picture that someone else will be doing my work for me tomorrow.....but I still have much respect for the "labour" force doing the actual work. They keep the economy buzzing along, they help pay for social services that we all access, they pay into two pensions that I take money from, and they tackle every day life with COVID hanging over their shoulder! So, I salute you "workers of...
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Today is your day Boomer! I can't believe it! We just got through three summer months of heat domes, smoke, and drought and our weather experts are predicting a cold winter! They say it will likely be a "La Nina" year which usually means colder temperatures and more snow. Some Boomers like it....they say YES to more snow for skiing, skating, and snowboarding. Others know it means more shovelling, harsher driving conditions, and more time spent inside. Which is bad because with COVID still here, we get less fresh air and more chances of spread. Yuk. This weather stuff sucks and seems to be getting worse every year with climate change. We get more extreme weather conditions in all four seasons and it does not bode well for our future. That's why we should vote for a Canadian political party this month that truly intends to DO SOMETHING about global warming, not just pay lip service to it. Boomers, start looking for your gloves and touques. Cheers!
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Today is your day Boomer! I try to be as non-political as possible with this blog, but yesterday went too far! You so-called "Health Freedom" activists demonstrated by the hundreds in front of hospitals, like Kelowna. And I know some of you are Boomers.....but please give your head a big shake. It is fine to peacefully protest in this country; in fact, please do. Our system isn't perfect, but it is not OK to protest right in the faces of people who are trying to save our lives! These health care professionals are burned out, over-worked, and trying so hard to save as many COVID patients as possible.....and most of those are you! Over 90% of people in hospital right now are anti-vaxxers and yet you are in the face of people who are trying to protect and support you! Think about it.....take your protests to the Legislature in Victoria or to your local MLA and/or MP offices. And remember that Canada is a social democracy. Yes, individual freedoms are valuable but wh...
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Today is your day Boomer! It is "bear" time in BC's OKanagan Valley and likely close to your home too! As we enter the months of September and October, we-active Boomers-must remember that these furry creatures aren't always as cute as you see in this picture. They are feeding on lots of harvest-time fruits and berries and are getting ready for winter hibernation.....and many don't like to be interupted! We must tread carefully on neighbourhood walks and mountain trails as a bear could show itself at any moment. Bring your dog with you, make plenty of noise, bring a high-pitched whistle or air horn, pack some bear/pepper spray, and be ready to change your walking plan. These animals are big and sometimes like to attack....especially if cubs are nearby. Bear experts warn that we should never cut off a momma bear from her cubs! Bad news. Want an example? I met a Boomer on the golf course a few years ago with bandages all over his legs. His bear encounter ...