Today is your day Boomer! I have a good idea for you Boomer fishers! It is time to renew your annual fishing license with the Freshwater Fisheries Society; it must be done by April 1, tomorrow, if you want to fish this weekend. But the idea is this: if you are officially a senior(age 65 or older), you get a choice on purchase. Spend only $5 if a senior or 37$ as a non-senior adult and get your license. Big senior discount, right? No...think about it. All the license money goes into birthing and raising fish at six BC hatcheries, stocking 800 lakes per year, conservation programs, and learn-to-fish initiatives for kids! In fact, since 2006, the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC has taught more than 350,000 participants the basics of how, when and where to catch fish. What species do they stock? In hatcheries, like the one in Summerland, teams work to raise and release rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, eastern brook trout, kokanee and steelhead for recreational fisheries and white ...