Today is your day Boomer! I guess it's time for my take on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and considering my family has some Ukrainian bloodlines, you can bet which side I am on. From my perspective, I think a CBC reporter said it best with this statement: "Russia has the numbers, but Ukraine has the will!" These statistics show the numbers: Russia has almost 900,000 active military personnel versus Ukraine's standing military of around 200,000. Ukraine has vastly fewer attacking aircraft — 146 versus Russia's 1,328 — and helicopters; just 42 versus 478. The Russian tanks rumbling towards the capital, Kyiv, are part of an overall armoured corps of 31,000 vehicles, compared to Ukraine's 5,000. The Russian Navy boasts 605 vessels, including 70 submarines, that can be deployed in the Black Sea, off the Ukrainian coast. While the Ukrainian fleet has just 38 ships, and no submarines. The "will" is represented by the great grandmother in this picture...
Showing posts from February, 2022
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Today is your day Boomer! It is Saturday...which means another day for so-called "freedom convoy" protests across Canada. In my neck of the woods, it means a stream of noisy vehicles and people heading south on Highway 97 through the Okanagan Valley stopping at Osoyoos just before the Canada/US border. So today, I turn to another Boomer for advice on all of this. She is Mary Simon, our governor general and the very first indigenous GG in the history of Canada. She is vaccinated, but has some great recommendations for all sides in this debate: "I don’t feel anyone is wrong particularly, but there is a very strong difference of opinion about what is going on." She says the country needs to take a look at “bringing Canadians together to discuss how we can work and come together as a nation and look forward. I am a bridge between Canadians from different experiences, and encouraging different points of view has been central to my work, not just here at Rideau Hall...
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Today is your day Boomer! Do you have a tattoo? I bet most Boomers don't. It wasn't really a "thing" when we grew up in the 1960s and 70s. In fact, it was kind of reserved for people like bikers and hardened criminals. But now it is everywhere. Many people, young and old, have permanent inkings on their bodies and they like it. In fact, about 38% of Canadians have tattoos and the number is 42% for America. What else? you go: statistics show tattoo popularity has grown 13% since 2007. The number of people with 2 or more tattoos has doubled since 2007. Women under 35 are almost 50% more likely to have tattoos than men under 35. Senior men are 71% more likely to have tattoos than senior women. The top 5 most popular locations for tattoos are 1)lower back 2)wrist 3)foot 4)ankle 5)armband. The most tattooed man in the world is Gregory Paul McLaren with 100% of his body tattooed!! Okay, this doesn't mean you and I should run out to the nearest p...
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Today is your day Boomer! "We woke up in a different world today,” Germany’s foreign minister said. And he was right. Sadly, Ukraine was invaded by Russia last night and Eastern Europe is on fire. Russian Leader Vladimir Putin is attacking from three sides and is threatening to use nukes if any nation intervenes militarily. It means all we can do is "sanction". Boomers, I don't know about you, but I went to bed sick to my stomach last night....I was so upset. I feel strongly for the innocent civilians of Ukraine caught-up in the middle of this. I'm sure many will see their family members get injured or die. For us, we can only watch, wonder, and feel empathy.....and hope that the war will not expand or last too long. And, yes, we can feel anger toward the aggressive, imperialist Putin! One other thing: can we please get away from disaster-after-disaster in our lives?! I will list the recent ones for you: COVID, COVID, COVID, trucker blockades, massiv...
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Today is your day Boomer! It is another sign that our restricted times of COVID are nearly over and Boomers can rejoice a little. The two annual antique car shows in my area...Summerland and Penticton in BC's South Okanagan, are a GO for May and June! And we can expect hundreds of cool cars, like the ones in this picture, and hundreds of Boomers to attend. There are all kinds of activities associated with these types of gatherings. The Penticton Peach City Beach Cruise offers car aficionados the opportunity to show their vehicles in the superb setting of Lakeshore Drive in Penticton. This year’s show will feature a day time and an evening cruise in downtown Penticton, a wine tour to five wineries in nearby Summerland, and entertainment in Gyro Park. It is also a great boost to the local economy, as Boomers spend a ton of money on hotels, motels, meals, gas, booze, and souvenirs, will certainly be a big boost to our morale as most of us have been cooped-up inside fo...
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Today is your day Boomer! At age 56, he was an almost-Boomer and, he was an almost-Terry Fox! Yes, he was Steve Fonyo from Vernon, BC who, like Terry, ran his way across Canada on one artificial leg. He did it in 1984-85, five years after Terry passed away.....picking up where Fox left off in Ontario and finishing in Victoria. This picture is quite famous as Steve dips his foot into the Pacific Ocean to signify the end of his gruelling journey. Most Boomers will remember his story and, as a journalist, I certainly do. I know it also inspired many other people to run, walk, or bike across Canada....which is a heck of a long trip! There is a down side to Steve though. Fonyo was appointed an officer of the Order of Canada in 1985 at the age of 19 — the youngest person to receive the honour at the time. But his membership was terminated in 2009 following several criminal convictions. The decision sparked public outcry, with critics saying at the time he should be remembered as a ...
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Today is your day Boomer! Now that the Ottawa blackade is over, it is time to reflect on some of its rights and wrongs. As a long-time Civics teacher, I applaude the protestors for their fortitude, courage, persistance, and passion! But.....they did not follow some basic civics lessons, and that led to their downfall. Civil disobediance, that is breaking the law, is a very last resort in any protest and they did this in spades: blockading public roads, breaking noise bylaws, bringing weapons like smoke bombs, intimidating and harrassing residents, spreading messages of hate, violating statues and war memorials, and-worst of all-demanding an anti-democratic citizens assembly take over government! No wonder government officials would not listen to or meet with you; no wonder your message became badly tainted; no wonder the silent majority of Canadians disagreed with you, and no wonder masses of police were brought in to quell you. Your message of peaceful demonstration was hypocri...
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Today is your day Boomer! It is Family Day weekend in many provinces in Canada and some Boomers may be headed to the "mall". Yes, a shopping experience with a spouse or extended family....maybe some grandkids tagging along. But for me, this is not fun. When I go shopping, I have a specific product in mind at a specific store, and if it is not there.....I go home. I don't really enjoy the experience of wandering from store-to-store....just looking. But many partners do. So, I have an idea for a compromise. Check out the picture and realize that some malls, somewhere, have "husband depositories". Yes, places to go with nice comfortable chairs, big screen TVs, laptop plug-in spots, and perhaps some food/drink options. Great! We need a "place", a comfortable place to endure the minutes, or even hours, when our spouses are browsing. Now to be fair, the sign should not say "husband" should allow anyone to enter this zone of relie...
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Today is your day Boomer! I finally finished my broken rib physiotherapy this week and thought I would give you an update! Yes, remember that I broke three ribs and punctured a lung on the basketball court in early November? Well, I did it.....I am fully recovered now and ready for active life again! Most importantly, I went to physio every week for two months and did all my at-home stretching, weights, and exercises EVERY DAY! Wow....for me and, I think, most people that is quite an accomplishment. reward myself and to inspire me, about a month ago, I bought a new golf driver and got my old tennis racquet re-strung and handle re-wrapped! YES! I can play sports again this spring and maybe get out skiing and skating in the next few weeks. One thing, however, I noticed at the physio clinic. Most of the patients there were Boomers, including a tennis friend of mine getting his injured shoulder treated. What does that tell you Boomers? Maybe, we need to slow down a b...
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Today is your day Boomer! What are you doing tonight? It will likely be the BEST event to watch at the Olympics and it should be incredible! No, not mens hockey.....not curling or figure skating, or the mens downhill, but....the womens' ice hockey gold medal game!! Yes, it is the best hockey at the Games since there are no NHL players this year, and Canada has an excellent chance against the USA, the two greatest teams by far in the world. The Americans won last time.....we beat them 4-2 in the preliminary round, and tonight, it's GO FOR GOLD! If you've never watched womens hockey before...believing, perhaps, that it may be inferior to the mens are dead wrong! These women skate like the wind, have heavy shots, great moves, and play physical. It's simply great hockey and your patriotic juices will overflow! 8:00pm Pacific Time Boomers on Sportsnet. Do yourself a favour and support our Canadian puck women! Wow, what a game.......cheers!
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Today is your day Boomer! You call this a peaceful protest?! Look at this picture and realize this haul of guns was confiscated by RCMP at the Alberta border protest yesterday! A search warrant was executed early Monday morning on three trailers that RCMP allege were associated with the criminal organization. The following items were seized: -13 long guns -handguns -multiple sets of body armour -a machete -a large quantity of ammunition -high capacity magazines You have got to be kidding me. 13 protestors were arrested. No wonder our Prime Minister brought in the Emergencies Act yesterday. Boomers, in my opinion this is getting out of hand......
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Today is your day Boomer! And today is your day to do something special for that someone special in your life! Yes, it is Valentines Day and it is very important! But....contrary to what the business world may tell you, it does not always have to include expensive roses, diamonds, or dinners out. Remember when you received those homemade Valentines cards from your young kids and they brought tears to your eyes? You could do something like that today with a heartfelt, homemade card, and it could include lyrics from a poem or a song like this one from Paul McCartney of The Beatles. You could also practice and play the song on your ukelele or guitar; just pick a fairly easy one like "Only You" sung by The Platters. And if you butcher the singing, remind your spouse that it is the thought that counts. "V Day" can be a stressful and expensive day Boomers, but it can also be a simple, time well-spent day.....that has a true focus on you and him/her and all that i...
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Today is your day Boomer! This could be the debate of the century! Which is more important, today's SuperBowl or tomorrow's Valentine's Day? Har..Har....I guess it depends on the status of your love life, or for some people, how much they are dedicated to football? Afterall, some fans are paying 10,000$ to see the game live in L.A. today....that's right, 10 grand! And yet, some couples may pay 10 thousand for a Valentines getaway weekend at a Bahamas resort! Okay, I can't figure out the answer....but I can suggest you do the two events separately, especially if your spouse is not a sports fan. However, you may be able to persuade them to watch the game today with a few suggestions: the halftime show is always great entertainment with stars on stage and the American commercials are even better! Often funny, innovative, and featuring stars this year like Arnold, Selma, and Jim Carrey....these between-play 30 second spots sell for 7 million dollars!! They sho...
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Today is your day Boomer! Outdoor skating, on a sunny crisp day....nothing beats it Boomers! I think of this as Penticton, B.C. opens its new downtown outdoor rink today....joining Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley as one of the few communities to offer such a great service. At approximately half the size of an NHL ice surface, the rink has a built-in refrigeration system that will allow it to operate with ambient temperatures as warm as 10 C. A public washroom facility, with storage space for an ice resurface, is located next to the rink. You must wear masks as you skate, but who cares? It is a beautiful, sunny day and I think the rink will be packed with people. Honestly though, a much better experience is a winter lake much like the one in the picture. Some members of my family are headed to the Rockies soon for some winter fun time, and I hope this is on the agenda! Nothing beats it, especially if the ice is seems like you can skate forever, and the only drawback ...
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Today is your day Boomer! I just started my annual tree pruning process in my backyard and as I encounter snowy conditions, I had to remind myself of ladder safety. It was hard to find Canadian stats on this....but I did find American numbers, and they are staggering. Over 300 people die every year in the U.S. after falling off a ladder and the injuries are in the hundreds of thousands! Also, this is mind boggling: a vast majority of the deaths come from falling less than 10 feet. Some common causes of ladder injuries include mounting or dismounting the ladder improperly, losing one's balance, failing to set up the ladder properly, over-reaching while on the ladder,and mis-stepping while climbing or descending. For me, over-reaching and losing balance are big concerns as I prune four cherry trees, one apple, and one pear.....some of them quite high. By the way Boomers, I think we all know that-as we age-our mobility and sense of balance decreases....therefore, ladders are a ...
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Today is your day Boomer! Some people ask me why I always talk about retirement in my blog. Well, it is a Baby Boomer blog and I am semi-retired myself....but, I am willing to share good news about employment for Boomers who want to hear. These numbers are specifically for the province of BC, but they could likely apply to other Canadian provinces too. Expect over 1 million new job openings in BC in the next decade and about 63% of those will come from retiring Boomers. Health care, social assistance and education sectors are expected to generate some of the largest employment in services, such as counselling, child protection and community housing. Science and technology jobs will also be in high demand, as will openings in skilled trades ranging from cooks and mechanics to construction workers and hairstylists. Something else to note Boomers-if you are looking to work-is that about 80% of new jobs will require some amount of post secondary education; that is so different from ...
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Today is your day Boomer! Those new mountain bikes with big knobby tires are sure popular with Boomers these days! They are perfect for mountain trails on snowy days, but they do require so-called "groomed" trails. Check out this picture and notice the perfect trail carved out by a local Boomer who some people in my living area call the "Trail Gnome". This incredible gentleman takes it upon himself to manually run a snowblower over 10 km of biking trails on a popular,local mountain.....and he has does it multiple times this year. That is 10 km, much of it uphill!! The trail is flattish and three-feet wide and serves both bikers and hikers with easy transport in the face of normally-bumpy, crusty winter conditions. It is simply marvellous and adds real enjoyment to a sunny, winter day! My wife and I enjoyed 5 hours of hiking on these trails this past weekend, and we thank-you Mr. Gnome. We admire your community spirit and and applaude you as a great role mo...
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Today is your day Boomer! All this negative talk about global warming and climate change is bothersome....I mean, it is happening, but it is all not that bad. Take this winter, for example. In my town of Summerland, BC....we are enduring a full week of sunshine and temperatures hitting about 7 degrees Celcius. A reminder, this is in February when the average temp. is supposed to be minus 2. Yup, when I first moved here thirty years ago, we got three cold spells every winter. Then it dropped to two, and so far this winter, it is only one. And wow, what a time for Boomer winter recreation: skiing, skating, hiking, big-tire mountain biking, snowshoeing, or just simply...walking; this month has it all; see picture! Oh, there are a few downfalls: lack of snow could affect our summer-time water storage, people working indoors get grumpy and take it out on us, and the continuous sun burns our faces. Buy some sunblock Boomers and enjoy....cheers!
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Today is your day Boomer! Just over half of all Canadians have stated, in a recent poll, that we should be boycotting the Winter Olympics in China. This is, of course, because of supposed human rights abuses in that Asian nation and the recent treatment of the two "Stevens"....Canadians that were finally released from jail last year. OK, I agree. China is not the best role model in our world.....but the Olympics is about "sport", not "politics", and let's not confuse the two. Thousands of top athletes have been training their entire lives to make it to this top level and you want to deny them the opportunity?! This includes a young man I taught in Summerland many years ago; you can see us together in this picture as Justin Kripps came back to his old high school with his bobsledding gold medal! What a great chance for him to encourage students to follow their dreams! If the Olympics were cancelled, this never would have happened. By the way, ...
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Today is your day Boomer! A lot of bad news on my blog this week......trucker protests, COVID, possible war in Ukraine, blah, blah, blah. Sorry. Today it is all good stuff and nature! In fact, it is the Northern Lights (see picture) making an appearance in BC's Okanagan Valley this is a rarity this far south, so many Boomers made it a night-watching priority. Did you know this? Few natural phenomena can compete with the beauty of the aurora borealis, which appear on occasion when the sun’s electrons collide with Earth’s magnetic field, becoming energized; lines of magnetic force channel this solar output into ribbons of colour across the night sky. Cool. This is like evening TV, but is much better than Grey's Anatomy or The Bachelor. Next time, give it a try Boomers. It is all over the media ahead of time. Cheers!
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Today is your day Boomer! Yesterday, I talked about the brave efforts of three Boomer women who blocked a noisy, intimidating trucker from entering their quiet Ottawa neighbourhood. Today, another heroic Boomer story of Elaine, a 73-year-old woman from Campbell River, B.C., who stood up to a shoplifter at a local Walmart store! Elaine, who stands only five-foot-three, watched as the much-taller male shoplifter dumped many expensive items of meat in his packsack.....and then confronted him in the store outside doorway as he attempted to walk out. She even physically pulled off his head covering so cameras could get a look at his face, and after the incident said "I’m sort of a pushover; everybody is shocked I had this in my DNA. I think it was a result of frustration building up inside my body, which lashed out.” Elaine, we say way to go!!! the same time Boomers, think about this: what if the guy turned violent and pulled a knife on her? What if the trucker in O...
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Today is your day Boomer! And it was quite a day for these three senior ladies! They delivered a taste of their own medicine to truckers trying to navigate through a normally-quiet Ottawa residential street this week. The women stood in front of a bully-like driver and his truck, and basically started their own blockade! "I decided to get out in the streets in front of a big truck … because I felt powerless. By that point it was three days of non-stop honking, yelling," Marika Morris, one of the residents in the photo, told CBC News on Tuesday. "We can't think, we can't work, we can't study." This incident has caused quite a stir in the capital city as a few hundred protestors remain in a stingy attempt to get what they end to government-imposed vaccine mandates. Marika and her neighbours are to be applauded for their courage and community spirit as the truck alliance has basically held downtown Ottawa hostage for the past few days. ...
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Today is your day Boomer! We all know the term "glamping"....that is, glamorous camping, but do you know what "bleisure" is? Well, a good guess would be a combination of business with leisure. For example, taking a business trip to the Bahamas and tacking on a few extra days of holiday time while you are there! Or, as the picture shows, working remotely from a beautiful beach and combining the two activities at the same time. We can do this now as many jobs can be done completely on-line, and as long as you have good control over your laptop microphone and one will ever find out! Great idea Boomers, as many of us have part-time work, and let's face it....we love to recreate! The term "bleisure" was actually invented in 2009 by some travel expert, but it actually applies even even more nowadays as the world pivots and tries to work through a continuing pandemic. The share of business trips that include a weekend has increased 23 pe...